The voice very village voicey
The voice very village voicey

“When my kids were at BYU ,” May remembers, “they would call the system and say, ‘Come on, Dad, let me have that class.’ At night they would joke that they were really mad because I didn’t let them in. I guess you could say his voice has been heard across the country.”

The voice very village voicey registration#

In fact, when touch-tone registration software was introduced on other campuses, the administrators of 35 schools liked Jim’s voice so well they picked up his voice and had him record whatever additional material they wanted. He had been a radio announcer and is a great speaker. Although a sweet, motherly storytelling voice got top marks, they chose Jim’s voice. “We assembled a student panel to evaluate them. Peterson, ’67, dean of admissions and records. “When we needed a voice for our phone system, we tried many: younger versus older, male and female,” says Erlend D. Many still do, but the phone system is being phased out, bowing to newer technology. Until online registration recently became an option, BYU ‘s student body routinely registered for classes via the telephone and heard May’s mellow tones either admit them or turn them away from specific courses. Since 1984 the Provo resident has been the voice of BYU ‘s telephone registration system. MAY, ’60, has been heard by thousands of people who likely will never meet him. Through the telephone registration systems of three dozen schools, as well as through various Church productions, May has spoken to perhaps millions of people. James May’s face is not nearly so well known as his voice.

The voice very village voicey